

The 8th Korea Multi-Scale Mechanics Sumposium 2022 (2022.12.15-16, 서울 …

페이지 정보

작성자관리자 댓글 0건 조회 58회 작성일 22-12-19 16:30


2022년 12월 15-16일동안 개최한 The 8th Korea Multi-Scale Mechanics Sumposium 2022 (KMSM 2022)에 기계공학과 BK21 사업팀 참여교수 및 참여대학원생이 참여하여 아래의 논문을 발표 및 수상하였습니다.  


"Interparticle fracture of the electrode composite in lithium-ion batteries" - 이승준 교수님

"물리모델 기반 데이터 증강을 통한 건전성 예측 및 관리" - 김흥수 교수님


"LHS Data-Drive Surrogate Model for Sensitivity Analysis and Design Optimization of Medical waste Shredder" - 김도훈

"The femoral coordinate system using curve fitting method" - Muhammad Sohail

"Surrogate Model-Based Stress Estimation After Total Knee Arthroplasty" - 김준영

"Multi-Class Generative Adversarial Network-Based Data Augmentation for Delamination Assessment of Laminated Composites" - Muhammad Muzammil Azad

"Data Augmentation and Validation method for Laminated Composites using GAN model" - 김성준

"A system-level synthesis reduced-interfaces sampling based on parametric reduced-order modeling combined with dynamic substructuring" - 천승희

"Component-level mechanical fault detection for the robotic arm under variable working conditions" - Izaz Raouf

"Gated recurrent unit based Fatigue crack length prediction model using Buckypaper" - 황현호

"Servo motor fault diagnosis using MCSA under various operating conditions" - 이혜원

"Finite element-based dynamic modeling of transmission lines using co-rotational nonlinear formulation" - 소유진

"Accuracy improvements of finite element-based system identification using global proper orthogonal decomposition and state-space modeling" - 박재현


◆ 최우수 포스터 논문상 : 박재현, 김도훈

◆ 우수 포스터 논문상   : 소유진, Muhammad Muzammil Azad


04620 서울특별시 중구 필동로1길 30 동국대학교 자율지능기계시스템 미래인재양성 사업팀
교육연구팀 담당자 남연희 | e-mail : p.concerto04@gmail.com
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